American elections

Le recenti elezioni americane hanno avuto una massiccia copertura mediatica.

Approfittiamone per imparare nuovi vocaboli legati a questo ambito.

CANDIDATE candidato: a person who is competing in an election

CAMPAIGN campagna: a set of planned activities which are intended to lead to a successful result in politics, business or war

POSTAL VOTING voto per posta: it is voting in an election where ballot papers are distributed to electors (and typically returned) by post 

VOTER TURNOUT affluenza: the percentage or number of people who actually voted in an election, compared to the number who are legally able to vote

FRAUD/ frode: dishonest actions which result in receiving power or money

CONCESSION SPEECH/ discorso in cui si riconosce la vittoria altrui: public acknowledgement that an opponent has won the race.

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